- Select number of vertices on both sides.
- Edit graph:
- Hit RANDOM GRAPH to generate a random graph.
- Click twice on an edge to delete it.
- Click on two vertices on opposite sides to create an edge
connecting them.
- Click DONE when satisfied with graph.
- Select initial matching:
- You must select an initial matching to start the algorithm.
- Go Algorithm:
- You may pause.
- You may speed up or slow down by using the SCROLLBAR
(left=slower, right=faster).
- Results:
- If breakthrough occurs, an alternating chain will be displayed.
- If nonbreakthrough occurs, a min-cover will be displayed.
- NEW GRAPH: Start from the beginning, choosing number of vertices.
- RANDOM GRAPH: Randomly connect vertices.
- DONE: Done editing graph.
- EDIT GRAPH: Go back to editing graph.
- RESTART: Go back to beginning of algorithm, or
reselect initial matching.
- PAUSE: Pause algorithm.
- CONTINUE: Continue algorithm.
- IMPROVE MATCH: Use alternating chain to improve matching.